New platform business models can feel threatening to your executive team and organization. In this article, we detail how Nokia’s board of directors helped the top management team overcome their fears and initiate a radical strategic change—divesting the phone business and focusing on networks instead.
AI has many benefits for your organization. However, under some conditions, the use of AI can actually make you more biased. In this article, we describe when and how AI can cause strategic bias and how you can avoid it.
Creating a successful platform often requires active collaboration with key actors. The success of collaboration partly depends on a shared vision. This article shows how shared vision can exist at two levels: rational-analytical thinking and emotional-intuitive feelings. While it’s easy to align the rational visions, finding a shared emotional vision takes more time and often causes the problems.
This article compares the influencing practices among several competing players in the emerging electric car ecosystem in Finland. It shows how successful actors used various emotional influencing tactics, whereas failed actors attempted to gain influence only via rational argumentation.
Organizational structures—whether within a firm or in an ecosystem—influence what people pay attention to. Their attention, in turn, influences their emotions and these emotions drive their actions. This article details how attention structures create emotions and suggest how you can design an emotionally effective structure for your platform.
Emotions can determine the success of inter-organizational collaboration, which is highly relevant for platform businesses. This article shows how attempts to brush emotions under the rug can lead to a disaster, and suggests how you could proactively manage emotions.
• When you lead a transformation to become a platform company, you are bound to face fears and emotional resistance. This article summarizes in a practical way the key actions Nokia’s board took for managing top managers’ emotions when they were dealing with major external threats.
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